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Student Code of Conduct


Stay engaged and attentive during all sessions, actively participate in discussions and activities to maximize your learning potential.


Embrace teamwork and collaboration, leverage diverse skills and perspectives of your peers to solve challenges and explore cybersecurity concepts together.


Show respect for the seriousness of the course content and the expertise of our instructors.  Treat everyone with kindness, courtesy, and consideration, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.


Arrive on time for all sessions and activities, demonstrating punctuality and responsibility.  Respect the schedules of your fellow participants and instructors by adhering to designated start and end times.


By adhering to these principles, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and empowered to excel in their cybersecurity journey!

Note to Parents

As we embark on this exciting journey at our USCSI, we want to ensure the best possible learning environment for all participants.  In order to foster concentration, focus, and engagement during our sessions, we kindly ask for your support in providing a quiet and conducive learning environment at home.

• Children  are expected to use Minecraft as part of their curriculum. 
• The first and last day of the camp will require in-person attendance. 
• We understand the importance of rest and adequate sleep in promoting optimal cognitive function and retention of information.  Therefore, we encourage you to prioritize your child's rest schedule, ensuring they are well-rested and ready to fully participate in each day's activities.

• By working together to create a peaceful an distraction-free environment, we can maximize the learning opportunities and ensure that every student has the opportunity to thrive during their time at camp.

Thank you for your cooperation and commitment to your child's education.

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